COURSE DATE JANUARY 27-28 / 2023 GIRONA SPAIN. Worn Dentition? Direct (Index Technique) and indirect (ceramic/composite onlays) adhesive management through a non-invasive approach.
COURSE DATE JANUARY 27-28 / 2023 GIRONA SPAIN. Worn Dentition? Direct (Index Technique) and indirect (ceramic/composite onlays) adhesive management through a non-invasive approach.

Course date
27/28 January 2023
Girona Spain
The main goal of this course is to provide, indications and protocols to diagnose and treat severe worn dentition through a new no prep approach increasing the VDO: “The Index technique”. The course will also focus on when and how to bond on worn dentition, additive partial indirect restorations (onlays/overlays) in composite and/or ceramic, depending on the indication.
All the step by step protocols will be addressed through step by step images and videos on patients, in order to have a clear over view of this hybrid (direct-indirect) technique through an analog and digital workflow.