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Course overview
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Do you notice an increase of DENTAL WEAR cases in your clinic, more and more often?
Literature data show that erosion is increasing by 30%; just think that in the US it is estimated that reflux disease affects (including the mild forms), about 40% of the population and around 60% of them, suffer from dental wear.
In this Online Course of 9 modules, with more than 10 hours lectures, I will share with you an innovative, conservative and economically favourable approach, with indications and protocols codified for over 10 years.
It involves an hybrid approach: direct no prep “copy & paste” restorations, (Index Technique©) plus indirect composite and ceramic onlays, all supported by step-by-step images and video on patient.
Key Points
→ No prep approach that leads to a biological goal (it does not require any tooth preparation or root canal treatment) with an aesthetic and functional result totally equivalent to the conventional prosthetic approach.
→ Significant financial savings for the patient, who will be more motivated to accept the treatment plan.
→ All modules are supported by many step-by-step cases with images and videos on patients.
→ Reduced numbers of sessions required for a full rehabilitation, compared to the ones required for a convenzionale prosthetic rehabilitation.
→ Savings on lab costs.
→ Reliability and predictability when repair may occur with no biological and financial costs.
→ You’ll learn everything you have to know.
→ Watch it comfortably whenever you want, from of any device.
→ You can watch it as many times as you want.
→ You can watch it when you actually need it, for a quick review regarding an upcoming case.
→ Since you won’t travel, you don’t lose working days in your clinic.
→ You save all the costs of a residential course (travel, hotel, dinners, etc.)
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