DATE 16-17 OCTOBER 2020 Worn Dentition? Direct and indirect adhesive management through a non invasive approach.

Data del corso16/17 Ottobre 2020 DoveCologne The main goal of this course is to provide, indications and protocols to diagnose and treat severe worn dentition through a new no prep approach increasing the VDO: “The Index technique”. The lecture will also focus on when and how to bond on worn dentition, additive partial indirect restorations…

DATE 21 SEPTEMBER 2020 Worn Dentition? Direct and indirect adhesive management through a non invasive approach.

Data del corso21 settembre 2020 DoveLos Angeles The main goal of this course is to provide, indications and protocols to diagnose and treat severe worn dentition through a new no prep approach increasing the VDO: “The Index technique”. The lecture will also focus on when and how to bond on worn dentition, additive partial indirect…

DATE 21 SEPTEMBER 2020 When and how to restore posterior dentition through direct and indirect adhesive solutions.

Data del corso21 settembre 2020 DoveLos Angeles L’evoluzione dei materiali compositi insieme alle tecniche adesive stanno soddisfacendo le richieste dei pazienti, i quali chiedono terapie sempre meno invasive abbinate a risultati estetici elevati nei settori posteriori e anteriori. Il ventaglio di opzioni restaurative è sempre più ampio, grazie a materiali in grado di rispondere adeguatamente agli stress meccanici, offrendo un’estetica…